At Wingrave Church of England School we have organised a creative curriculum rooted in progressive skills and knowledge across all key stages.
From Early Years Foundation stage through to Year 6, classes work on termly or half termly topics to meet all the requirements of the national curriculum and beyond. These topics, often inspired by a specific subject area, are designed to engage the children’s interest and evolve over time to ensure they remain relevant and appealing.
We provide our parents with a termly summary of the key areas they will be exploring with more detailed skills and knowledge information provided below.
Where the school employ specialist teaching services (Music & PE) or a copyrighted scheme (Kapow Resources, PSHE & RE) we are unable to publish these materials in detail online but all documentation is available to view on request.
Following a review of our Curriculum in Summer 2024, we are gradually updating our documents to reflect the current learning content and approaches. If you have any questions about our curriculum or to view any of the copyrighted materials, please contact the school office via
Jigsaw RE Overview available to view on request
Jigsaw PSHCE Overview available to view on request