Off the Page History Day
Medieval England came to Wingrave yesterday as Year 2 explored life during the time of the Great Fire of [...]
Roving Readers
The Roving Bookshop returned to Wingrave CE School yesterday, filling our hall with hundreds of wonderful books to view [...]
Museum Trips
Over the past couple of weeks two of our classes have been on trips to museums. Year 1 visited [...]
Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal
Thank you to our parents and staff for their donations - we combined complete boxes and separate items to [...]
Remembrance 2024
On Friday 8th November, our Junior classes marked Remembrance by visiting the Wingrave Memorial. We reflected on conflicts in [...]
WW2 Visitors
On Monday 14th October, Year 6 received some special visitors all the way from the 1940s and World War [...]
Harvest Festival
On Tuesday 8th October we celebrated Harvest with a whole school service at St. Peter & St. Paul's Church [...]
Sports Day 2024
Thank you to our parents for their support at Sports Day. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and many congratulations [...]
D-Day Anniversary
To mark the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, staff and children had a time of reflection during assembly when Finn, [...]
Signs of Spring
In our outdoor learning lessons we have been getting excited about signs of spring. To help feed the birds [...]
Our Spiritual Journey
As a church school we embrace the spiritual side of life and learning. This is a personal journey to [...]
Christmas Tree Festival 2023
EYFS and Year 5 have worked together to design and make our tree in the Wingrave Christmas Festival this [...]
This afternoon our Junior classes walked to the village memorial to lay our poppy wreath - thank you, Riana [...]
Harvest Festival
This week we celebrated out Harvest Festival at Wingrave Church. Mrs Perkins kindly displayed all our art, poems and [...]
Library of Learning
Well done to our Library Artefact Competition Winners! After much deliberation, and some serious shopping, we are delighted that [...]
Sports Day 2023
Congratulations to our Sports Day 2023 winners, Cedar House. Their House Captains, Tyler and Morley-Jack, hold the trophy proudly [...]
Coronation Celebrations
On Friday 5th May we celebrated the coronation of King Charles III in style! The children all made very [...]
Wingrave’s Got Talent 2023
This year marks the 5th anniversary of the Wingrave's Got Talent event! Created by our School Council, to raise [...]
Easter Service
On Tuesday we celebrated with our Easter Service in Wingrave Church. We cheered up after a wet and soggy [...]
Wingrave Spring Clean
On Sunday 26th March, members of the local community and school families came together for The Great Wingrave Spring [...]
The Raven Library Revealed – World Book Day 2023
As part of our World Book Day 2023 celebrations, we revealed the finished school library for the first time! [...]
Quills by Candlelight
Year 2 have been learning about the Great Fire of London. To add some realism to writing their Samuel [...]
School Library Project – January
We are now just a few weeks away from our final library installation, decoration and carpeting all having been [...]
Wingrave Christmas Tree Festival
Our contribution to the Wingrave Christmas Tree Festival this year was created by our Year 5 Class around the [...]
School Library Project – December
Progress has continued on our Library Project and, following a new window, lighting/wiring and some expert carpentry, we are [...]
Wheels at Work Charity Day
On Thursday 3rd November, we held a Wheels at Work Day in aid of Stoke Mandeville Spinal Research. Everyone [...]
School Library Project – November
Work began on our School Library Project over half term and we can already see what a great space [...]
House Captains & School Councillors
At Wingrave we want our children to learn about responsibility and what better way to do that than to [...]
Harvest Celebration
This morning the whole school walked to the Church in Wingrave to celebrate Harvest. This was the first outing [...]
Ahoy! EYFS Pirate Day
EYFS celebrated the end of their 'Pesky Pirates and Magical Mermaids' topic with a special celebration day. They tackled [...]
Sports Day 2022
Sports Day went without a hitch this morning, as children, parents and staff all came together to support the [...]
Jubilee Celebrations
Our Platinum Jubilee Celebrations for the Queen mixed traditional and new ideas and, most importantly, we were very blessed [...]
Scarecrow Festival
This Bank Holiday weekend, the annual Wingrave Scarecrow Festival was held - this time with a Disney theme. Our [...]
A is for Antarctic
You will recall our visit from Nadia Frontier, a marine biologist from the British Antarctic Survey who came to [...]
Wingrave’s Got Talent 2022
Congratulations to this year's joint winners, Issy and Elodie! Issy performed a gymnastics routine to the song 'Titanium' and [...]
Easter Service
On Wednesday we celebrated Easter with our end of term service at Wingrave Church, opened by Years 4, 5 [...]
Ukraine Appeal – Thank you!
A huge thank you to the school and local community for their contributions towards the Ukraine Support Appeal. We [...]
MP Visit
Year 6 recently welcomed Mr Greg Smith MP into their class. His visit came about because of the Year [...]
World Book Day
Wingrave celebrated World Book Day with style, inviting everyone to dress up as a character or person from a [...]
Return of the Roving Bookshop
Following a 2-year hiatus, the Roving Bookshop has finally returned to Wingrave! As part of our World Book Day [...]
Naughty (but kind) Visitor
EYFS had a visitor during December, he came and played tricks on us but also hid items of food [...]
Merry Christmas!
We are very proud to share 'Door 24' of the Wingrave Village Advent Calendar. The EYFS class, staff and [...]
We Will Remember
We marked Remembrance day today by visiting the Wingrave Village Memorial all together as a school and Preschool and [...]
Groovy Greeks
Years 3 and 4 had a very groovy day of activities and experiences as they delved deeper into their [...]
Case Solved!
Year 1 and 2 have been fantastic superheroes in training this half term, saving the school from the Evil [...]
Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal
Thank you to everyone for their generous support of the Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal. Our boxes will join [...]
Well done, Mrs Waring!
EYFS are very proud of Mrs Waring for completing her 30mile challenge for the Young Lives Vs Cancer charity. [...]
Wingrave Kitchen Massacre
Disaster has struck! Year 1 and Year 2 were shocked to find a fruit and vegetable massacre in our [...]
Welcome to Wingrave!
Welcome to Wingrave! Completed just before the summer by our Year 3 class, their eco-collage now has pride of [...]
Sports Day Stars!
Big congratulations to Cedar house who have retained the Sports Day trophy three years in a row! Sammy and [...]
Happy Easter
St Peter and St Paul's Church in Wingrave will be open for visitors between 9.30am and 3.30pm over the [...]
Super Stone Age Day
The return from lockdown started with a bang in Years 3 and 4 as they kicked off with their [...]
Coronavirus Communications UPDATED
For quick and easy reference we have linked to our specific Coronavirus communications and official guidance below: March Return [...]
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, everyone! Thank you to all the parents, PTFA, staff and members of the community who have thought [...]
We Will Remember
Even though we were unable to hold our whole school silence at the village memorial this year, we still [...]
Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal
Despite circumstances, the school community have again been incredibly generous in their support of the Link to Hope shoebox [...]
Harvest Display & Donations
Although we could not hold our usual Harvest Festival service, parents and children still very kindly provided donations to [...]
TT Rockstars Goes Live!
Times Table Rockstars is now live at Wingrave CE School! The competition is heating up already after just a [...]
Legoland Wingrave Resort
Our trip to Legoland may have been cancelled due to restrictions but that hasn't stopped us bringing Legoland to [...]
A Wingrave First
Wingrave Equestrian Team, a first for our school, have taken part in a few competitions so far. Whilst we [...]
Coronavirus Communications
For quick and easy reference we have linked to our specific Coronavirus communications and official guidance below: Keyworker Provision [...]
Year 5 Charity Cake Sale
As part of our PSHE lesson, we had to decide on a charity fundraising event and then organise it. [...]
World Antibiotics Awareness Week Awards Presentation
On Thursday 28th February, we went to the Stoke Mandeville Hospital for a presentation about our Antibiotic dance because [...]
Meticulous Measuring
Year 4 have been busy using their measuring skills outdoors in Maths. Having learnt about converting metres and centimetres, [...]
Roots & Shoots
Our new Roots & Shoots lunch club has made a great start with the children being able to explore [...]
Hogwarts Homework
We like to celebrate our children's homework and share inspiring ideas across the school - our Homework Galleries are [...]
Virtual Excitement
There was a very real sense of excitement when Mrs Neaves and Mr Seymour revealed the arrival of your [...]
Busy in Year 3
Year 3 started this half term being sorted into their different houses ready for our Harry Potter topic. They [...]
The Roving Bookshop
What an amazing day for the children, a bookshop in their own school with over 3000 books to choose [...]
Mancala Game
We have arrived in Africa! The children have been learning a traditional African game called Mancala. Eloise helped Miss [...]
Table Tennis Triumph
Thanks to one of our parents winning a prize draw, we had a visit from Premiere Sports who lead [...]
Year 3 & 4 Faith Tour Trip
On Tuesday 4th February, Years 3 and 4 visited three places of worship on a tour in Bedford: All [...]
Terrific Terracotta Army
During Year 2's visit to China, the children learnt about the Terracotta Army. The class made their own to [...]
Aboriginal Art
During Year 2's time in Australia, the children had fun using modroc to create didgeridoos. They were then decorated [...]
Yummy Chinese food
Year 2 have landed in China just in time for Chinese New Year. They kicked off the celebrations by [...]
Young Voices 2020
On Tuesday 21 January, Years 5 and 6 took part in the Young Voices Concert at the Birmingham Resorts [...]
Wendover Cross Country 2020
On Saturday 18th January, we took part in the Junior Cross County event at Wendover CE School. 37 of [...]
Hogwarts Hysteria
Year 4 have got off to a flying start in their Harry Potter based topic! Not only has their [...]
Year 1 and 2 Bushtucker Trial
Year 1 and 2 have been learning about Australia. We took part in a Bushtucker Trial this morning and [...]
Year 2 kicked off their new topic 'Around the World' and have been visiting France! We were very lucky [...]
To Infinity and Beyond!
This week Jupiter Class have been astronauts in training. Everyday they have been set a different mission the chief [...]
Wingrave’s Got Talent 2019
We held our annual 'Wingrave's Got Talent' Grand Final this afternoon and were again dazzled by a huge range [...]
Year 4 Drumming Assembly
What an end to the term for our year 4 African Drumming lessons! We also said a fond farewell [...]
Ofsted Good School 2019
I am delighted and proud to share our latest Ofsted report following our inspection in November.To have met the latest [...]
Christmas Illumination
In our Religious Education sessions the Year 4 children have been exploring the role of Mary in Christian life [...]
Year 1 baking
Year 1 have had a fantastic time baking their chocolate truffles to sell at the Christmas Fayre. Firstly we [...]
Year 2 sewing
Year 2 have been working really hard sewing decorations to sell at the Christmas Fete. [...]
Police Visit
We had a special surprise visit from the Police today. We have been learning about the Emergency Services and [...]
Year 1 and 2 Superhero Graduation
Year 1 and 2 had a super time celebrating their Graduation from receiving level 1 of their Superhero training. [...]
Cadbury World Trip
Years 5 and 6 ventured to Cadbury World as part of their Chocolate and Aztec topic learning. You can [...]
Remembrance Poetry
To mark Remembrance, Year 2 and 3 have been practising the poem 'On Flanders Field' and performed it to [...]
We Will Remember
On Monday 11th November at 11am, our children were joined by the Preschool, parents and members of the community [...]
Groovy Greeks
Years 3 & 4 celebrated their Ancient Greek topic with a day of dressing up, dance, Olympics events and, [...]
Evil Vegetable found!
The evil vegetable has been found! After discovering lots of clues, the children were able to eliminate evil vegetables [...]
Superhero Storytelling
After working so hard on their superhero stories, year 2 celebrated their imaginative books they made to Year 3. [...]
Our Vision Tree
Introducing our new Vision Tree! Read more here...
Superhero Day
Year 1 and 2 had a fabulous day on Monday. The children looked incredible dressed in bright colours and [...]
Outdoor Learning
Year 1 were learning about an artist called Andy Goldsworthy. He is an artist who specialises in creating sculptures [...]
Groovy Greeks
Years 3 and 4 have been very busy learning all about Ancient Greece. As part of that, we have [...]
Table Top Maths
The children have been using quick addition and subtraction methods - it's amazing how keen we are to do [...]
Veggie Crime
After a terrible crime was committed in the school kitchen, the children have been investigating and campaigning to find [...]
The Superhero topic is well underway in year 2 and the children have been enjoying listening to Supertato stories. [...]
Typing skills
In their computing lesson this week, Year 2 have been using the laptops to learn how to type. It [...]
Topic Treats
Year 4 made some Rugelach, pastry filled sweet delights from Israel, bringing RE and Geography together for our Geography [...]
Sports Day Celebrations
Congratulations to Cedar House who won our Sports Day event this year! Our very proud House Captains, Daisy and [...]
New Play Equipment
Our new play equipment has been installed over half term and looks great! Thank you so much to Wingrave [...]
Stonehenge…in Lego!
Year 4 have been learning about Stonehenge as part of their Stone Age topic, recreating the historic landmark in [...]
Year 1 Amazing Painting
This afternoon Year 1 have been learning to draw their Sunflowers with lots of intricate detail. We have also [...]
Year 2 Sunflower competition
The sunflower growing competition is off to a great start in year 2. The children are using their knowledge [...]
Year 2 Orienteering
We have been linking PE and geography together and trying some orienteering. So far the children have had to [...]
Stone Age Sketching
Year 3 have been producing artwork for display and their new topic about the Stone Age. They made a [...]
Year 1 Compass skills
Year 1 have been learning how to use compass directions (North, South, East and West). We used a grid [...]
Caring for our Community
The idea started from our Year 5 class discussion on Sikhism in RE. We are learning about the Gurdwara [...]
Maths Game Madness
Year 4 have been busy with their home learning - the children have made maths games and brought them [...]
Cracking Cross Country
Congratulations to your Cross Country Runners who took part in the event at Waddesdon on Saturday; a special well [...]
After School Club Reminder
Please can we remind you about registering your interest for the new after school club starting in the summer term [...]
Egg-citing Science
Last week, we set up an experiment using hard-boiled eggs to simulate teeth. We wanted to find out whether different [...]
Year 1 and 2 Cooking
Last week Year 1 and 2 learned all about writing instructions. We made our own bread rolls by following [...]
Popular Pancakes
Year 4 have been learning about the historical and religious significance of Shrove Tuesday. They followed a pancake recipe and [...]
Terrific Teeth
Year 4 have been researching all about teeth using our laptops and iPads. They have used the information to [...]
World Book Day 2019
Great fun was had by all on World Book Day and everyone looked amazing! It reminded us how important [...]
The Antibiotics Competition Experience
The antibiotics competition was first announced during and assembly, led by Ms Lee. We immediately wanted to enter. We put [...]
Parental Views January 2019
The summary of our recent Parent questionnaire can be found on our documents page or by clicking here. [...]
Great Fire of London Day
Year 1 and 2 had a fantastic day dressed up as characters from the Great Fire of London. We [...]
What’s the Story?
Year 2 have really enjoyed using the green screen and IPads to create news broadcasts about the Great Fire [...]
Year 1 Super Hero Internet Day
During internet safety day, Year 1 took part in some role play activities to help teach them the risks [...]
Year 2 Internet Safety Drama!
During internet safety day, Year 2 took part in some role play activities to help teach them the risks [...]
Eco Warriors Triumph
The Eco Council have been working really hard so far this year and are proud to announce that we have [...]
Logical Leaves
Year 6 have enjoyed getting outside of the classroom and spending time in our outdoor learning environment. This week [...]
Matters of the Heart
It’s all been about the heart in year 4! Lots of questions asked and things to see and feel - [...]
PTFA 5p Challenge
Between Monday 21st January and Friday 15th February, the PTFA are running a 5p Challenge. Each class has their own [...]
Housepoint Hoorah!
Congratulations to Birch and Redwood Houses for filling their housepoint team tubes first! The House Captains are very proud of [...]
Delightful Digestion
Year 4 have been busy investigating the workings of the digestive system. They have been exploring what happens to out [...]
Furious Fire
Year 1 and 2 having started their learning about The Great Fire of London. We went to the wild [...]
Bird Treats
During outdoor learning Jupiter class have been thinking about how we care for the birds over winter. We made our [...]
Decimal Deliberations
Year 4 have been investigating decimal numbers; they have been comparing, ordering and writing them using a variety of practical [...]
The Human Machine
Children in year 4 have been busy using their It skills to research the wonderful human machine! They have presented [...]
PTFA Meeting
Thank you for everyone's support with all the events last term. Please note the information regarding the next PTFA meeting [...]
Wingrave’s Got Talent
This morning we held the final of our second annual Wingrave's Got Talent competition. All classes chose their top [...]
Hectic Housepoints
As you can see, the housepoint totals are extremely close at the end of the term and we could [...]
Seasonal Community Spirit
The school were approached by Wingrave Community Association to provide table decorations for the Seniors Christmas Lunch - Year [...]
Marshmallow Envy
Years 3 and 4 reached the end of this half term's outdoor learning programme and celebrated with our fire [...]
Dinosaur Junk Modelling Day
EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 had a fantastic morning designing and building their own junk Dinosaurs. Some of [...]
Christmas Thanks
Thank you to the School Council for decorating our Christmas Tree so beautifully and thank you to Michael's Landscapes for [...]
Homegrown Dinosaur Experts
Two dinosaur experts from Year 4 made a Powerpoint show and presented it to Venus class! The children were very [...]
To Christmas…and beyond!
The EYFS children and staff have now assembled our Holst Planets themed tree for the Christmas Tree Festival at St.Peter [...]
Hedge Heroes
During outdoor learning today Jupiter Class braved the cold to plant our new hedge that we received from the Woodland [...]
Special Effects
With the help of some Year 6 pupils, Foundation Stage have been exploring our green screen technology to create war [...]
Year 2 Trench Invaders
Year 2 enjoyed our centenary day on Friday. They explored the exhibition and found out about soldiers who had lived [...]
Dinosaur Day
The children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 had an amazing day on Tuesday learning about dinosaurs. The Travelling [...]
PTFA Christmas Fayre
Come and experience the magic of Christmas at our PTFA Christmas Fayre! Friday 7th December, 3.30 pm to 6 [...]
UPDATED! Human Poppy
Now front page news! As part of our Centenary cerebrations marking the end of World War I, the children and [...]
New PTFA Logo
This morning in assembly, Mr Wyles and Mrs Ratcliffe from our PTFA announced the results of the logo competition. Congratulations [...]
Years 1 and 2 have had a great half term with their weekly outdoor learning activities. For the last session, [...]
Progressing Palaeontologists
The children in year 1 and 2 have been palaeontologists and discovered fossils in our palaeontology lab. Their job was [...]
Green-fingered Year 4
Year 4 have been busy weeding and gardening around the front of our school to prepare for our WWI [...]
Homework Galleries
We are very proud of the homework children have competed so far this term and to celebrate these achievements we [...]
Year 5 Latest…
Science Investigation:How does light travel? Can Year 5 explore and prove their theory? All pupils were totally independent in their [...]
This week, in EYFS…
Jupiter Class have settled really well into school this year. As part of our weekly learning we visit our outdoor [...]
Southend Sojourn
On Thursday 4th October, Years 3 and 4 took a trip to Southend to visit the beach and the [...]
Harvest Thanks
On Wednesday 10th October we celebrated Harvest with a school service at St Peter and St Paul's Church; the children [...]
New School Website Launches
We are delighted with the launch of the new website and hope you will agree this continues to bring the [...]